
Supplements work best if you are making lasting changes to your health and nutrition. Food is fuel. Flo Living's recipes and advice will guide you to improve your gut health and hormonal well-being.

Why you need to start a period journal

When you are on your period, the hormones that are in play provide you with access to both heightened critical thinking skills and deeply held feelings. You are primed to consider strategically what might need shifting in your personal and professional life for the month ahead of you. I encourage you to take advantage of your menstruation phase and start a period journal to really utilize this time to have not only a better period, but to live your best life.We recently discussed period rituals and journaling in my Facebook Live sessions. You may already do something to honor your menstrual phase - be that taking a bath, sleeping in, taking some time alone to rest and relax. But you can get so much out of fully engaging with the energy you feel during this time. During your period, your hormone levels are lowered and your right and left brain are working in sync. This allows you an opportunity to be still and to reflect.

Accessing your hormonal powers

During your period, you can examine all of the areas of your life - your relationship, career, parenting, friendships, and more - carefully and critically, and you will have the capacity at this time to know fully and deeply what you want to change and what your true goals and desires are. It’s a time when you can assess your life and check if you’re still going in the direction you want overall - something that can get lost when you’re focused on the tasks, errands, and duties of everyday life. Is what you’re doing day-to-day still making you feel happy and fulfilled? Menstruation is also a great time to examine critically any judgments you’re having about yourself - where do they come from? Is this social conditioning? Are you being too hard on yourself? What messages from our culture have you internalized about how you should look, behave, act, or feel? This is when you are optimized to discard what doesn't serve you. Tap into your instinctive, essential feminine energy.

Creating period rituals

This is all much easier to consider and access if you make it a practice for every cycle. Schedule a time (it can be just 10 minutes) to work through these thoughts in writing. I suggest you do this with a period journal. This is a journal you use specifically to ask these questions of yourself, record your responses - both thoughts and feelings - and set intentions for the month ahead. I’m not someone who keeps a journal every day, but even if you do - set out a special notebook (perhaps it’s purple!) for this deep reflection. I also use a visual, physical prompt to center and focus my energies - for me that’s a beautiful, ceramic pomegranate, as well as well-chosen crystals. Self-reflection will come easier for you during menstruation than at any other time of your cycle. It’s actually a great time to master any practice of going inward - whether that’s meditation, yoga, or journaling. I too have other practices for my menstruation phase - I create a tea ritual and a home spa ritual, which I used to honor my period alongside journaling.

If writing is just not your thing - this is an adaptable practice, it can be molded to fit your favorite method of self-expression. Instead of journaling, this might be creating a vision board, sketching or drawing, mind mapping, or even just talking directly into the voice memo app on your smartphone, stream-of-consciousness style. Of course, the FLO Living lifestyle isn’t only about the menstruation phase - but you can use this practice and your engagement during your period and take those skills to every other phase of your cycle to manifest the Cycle Syncing lifestyle. You will, over time, cultivate such a wonderful relationship with your body that will be mutually loving and supportive. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements are a complete package that work together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycle) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the brand-new BALANCE Supplement Kit.

Why You Need To Do a Hormone Detox & How-To Steps

A 4-Day Detox can't fix everything, and you know I’m no big fan of the quick fix. If you know me, you know I advocate for making good choices every day, creating sustainable lifestyle shifts, that last for the long term. It’s an evidence based, results-driven perspective and it really works. And for those of you who don't know me yet, nice to see you here! I do recommend the right kind of detox, at the right time. It can be a great way to get started as well as a method for reaching new milestones.

Who is a hormone detox for? A detox is for someone who already needs it! For example, if you're feeling the desire for a reset- after a long summer, or the overconsumption of alcohol, extended periods of indulgent eating, or even just an intuition to get back into balance...then seize that impulse to take better care of yourself and do a hormone detox. Let's be entirely clear about one thing: this detox is full of food and fuel and supportive nutrition.

Many health issues - including fatigue, acne, depression, anxiety, brain fog, mood swings, and weight gain (the kind of things that might make you want to do a detox in the first place) are attributed to too-high estrogen levels or a condition we call “estrogen dominance.”

Estrogen dominance drives the most common hormonal health issues too, from PMS to PCOS. Detoxing your body of excess estrogen has many immediate and long term benefits. If you feel the need for a detox, it’s likely because your liver is running at a sub-optimal level, it’s overloaded with caffeine, alcohol, pesticides, sugar, etc. and you are sensing the need to cleanse. A hormone detox is not a crash diet, juice cleanse, or fast - that won’t achieve the goals you’ve set out. If you want to feel energized, refreshed, boosted in body, mind and spirit, as well as shed some excess weight and get glowing skin - you need nutrients, minerals, and resources to make this happen.

The Flo Living 4 Day Hormone Detox will have you eating fresh, nourishing food for 3 meals a day, plus snacks. You won’t feel hungry, depleted, or deprived. You will be prepping food to start and then you will be eating frequently throughout the day, instead of watching the clock for your next juice. The foods you’ll be eating will fill you up and support your liver function. Your liver needs the fuel to process the excess hormones and toxins and eliminate them from your body.

You can download it for free here: 4-Day Detox
The 4 Day Hormone Detox is packed full of cleansing foods that address your liver, intestines and lymphatic system. Your elimination organs - especially your hard-working liver - need lots of nutrients to breakdown toxins, and you get nutrients from food. You do not and will not get enough nutrients from a juice fast or cabbage soup diet for your body to detox!

There are so many good reasons to do a hormone detox - acne, bloating, sore breasts, PMS, funky periods, feeling sluggish, unable to focus, lacking creative juices - but I want to tell you how our 4 Day Hormone Detox can make you feel. Because sometimes the problem isn’t enough to prompt us to take action, perhaps because you’ve been living with it for so long that it feels like nothing will work. Sometimes you need some positive inspiration!

If you’ve tried detoxing before and it just hasn’t worked out the way you wanted, read on to hear what you need to make detoxing something you will actually look forward to! In fact, many who practice Cycle Syncing® do this detox once every few months.

Why do a hormone detox?

Your skin will glow:

During the 4 days of the hormone detox you will eliminate entirely all the central adult and hormonal acne triggers like dairy, soy, caffeine, sugar, and gluten. You will also increase the amount of skin-clearing, hormone-supportive nutrients in your diet - especially the vital omega-3s and B vitamins. Excess estrogen and the resulting hormonal imbalance leads to acne, by increasing sebum production and preventing skin healing. If you are particularly prone to acne around your ovulation days or before your period, this detox is for you. You’ll also detox more than just your body - our hormone detox has an additional layer that you won’t find with most detox plans. You won’t only be detoxing your diet and concentrating on what you eat during the day, you’ll also be detoxing your home - the products you use, everything from kitchen cleaning products to cosmetics. This is so essential. We often focus entirely on what we put in our bodies when we detox, but we don’t think of what we’re putting on our body in the shower in the morning, or on our skin when we wash the dishes or do the laundry. Women especially are exposed to so many endocrine-disruptive chemicals throughout the day. It’s just as important to detox and cleanse your personal environment.

Your mood will soar:

If you’ve been experiencing anxiety, low mood, depression, or just a sluggishness and demotivation, then this detox will turn that around in 4 days. You’ll feel emotionally lighter, as well as physically lighter. The root cause of mood swings and many female-centric mood problems is destabilized blood sugar. This detox is not a fast, will not leave you hungry in the evening, and should keep you satisfied and stable throughout the day. Most women experience their worst moods as a form of PMS, which is the result of high estrogen/low progesterone. This detox will sweep your body of that excess estrogen and leave you in balance. You’ll be eating lots of B6-rich foods and B6 is progesterone’s favorite micronutrient.

You will shift your relationship with food:

After 4 days you’ll no longer feel bloated, and it’s very likely you’ll shed a few pounds of weight. With excess estrogen, many women store weight around their midsection. For our detox, you will be eating anti-bloat ingredients in your fruit salads and green salads at every meal, plus you will be eliminating many sources of weight gain - sugar, caffeine, dairy. You will also shift how you feel about food.  Our hormone detox includes guidance on how to approach food, not just from the practical perspective of prepping meals, but also in how you actually engage with and enjoy that food. The aim is to give you pause about how you may have related to food up until now - perhaps it's eating standing up with the fridge door open, on-the-go in the car, off your kids’ plates, etc. These lessons will carry with you beyond the 4 days.

You’ll feel creative and calm:

During the detox, you’ll be given prompts for how to process your experience at the end of each day. You’ll journal on specific topics that aim to expand your perspective, increase your sense of confidence and calm, and support you in connecting with your feminine energy and creativity. This will be a conversation with yourself and your body that will help you gain so much from this mini-retreat. A detox can be a transformational experience, and you can use that energy to make positive changes in your life long-term. The clarity of thinking and focus you’ll attain will help you to hone in on exactly what you want in all areas, personal and professional.

Adding in a micronutrient boost with the right supplements can take your hormone detox to the next level. We highly recommend incorporating our Balance by FLO Living Hormone Supplements to your plan. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

This detox is about fueling you up instead of leaving you running on fumes. ⛽️ 🥗

The prescription-free acne treatment

If you’re experiencing acne and you go to your doctor for support, you are likely to come away with one of four prescriptions: antibiotics, hormonal birth control, isotretinoin, or spironolactone. Adult and hormonal acne is very common and very treatable with diet and lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, it’s more likely you’ll receive a medication instead of advice on diet-based acne triggers and acne treatments because that’s how the majority of our medical system is set up. Acne is a serious problem for some women, it can affect your self-confidence and mood, and it deserves a treatment that gets rid of it completely, long term, without any side effects.

The problem with acne prescriptions

Birth control pill - any method of hormonal birth control can potentially suppress acne, but it might also make it worse. Synthetic birth control control disrupts your microbiome, endocrine system, and micronutrient levels - all systems essential for keeping your skin clear. You may have clear skin while you’re taking it, but not without added side effects that can worsen issues like PCOS, plus increase your risk of some reproductive cancers. Once you decide to stop using hormonal birth control, a common symptom of the withdrawal period is acne, often worse than you’ve had before because of the internal disruption that has occurred as a result of the medication. Antibiotics - we are more aware now than ever of the dangers of over-prescribing and over-using antibiotics. Using antibiotics long term is never a good idea as it will mean if you need antibiotics for an emergency health problem, they will not be as effective. Antibiotics do incredible damage to the microbiome, and robust gut health is important for clear skin. As with hormonal birth control, when you come off the antibiotics the acne will not only return, but be much worse than it was before because of the microbiome damage. Antibiotics don’t distinguish between good bacteria and bad bacteria, they kill all of it, leaving us depleted of the necessary bacteria for good hormonal health. Spironolactone/Aldactone - this is a synthetic hormone or steroid that is nothing like the hormones your body produces for itself in composition. It works by disrupting your body’s production of testosterone, by confusing your body with a synthetic similar steroid. Just as I don’t recommend synthetic hormonal birth control, I also don’t recommend meat and dairy that contains synthetic hormones, and I don’t recommend spironolactone. It comes with a raft of side effects that create the most common hormone imbalance issue (and a cause of acne) - estrogen dominance - as well as depression, blood clots, and increased risk of some cancers. Spironolactone is not safe to take long term and is not going to prevent acne beyond the point that you are using itIsotretinoin (originally Accutane) - if you’re prescribed Isotretinoin, then you are also prescribed hormonal birth control, because Isotretinoin causes birth defects. That in itself should be enough to dissuade you from using this medication. There are other side effects - including an initial worsening of acne, and severe depression. The original patented drug, Accutane, was removed from the market when many users found it caused them to develop Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Usually this medication is offered as a last resort, but rarely are diet and lifestyle changes part of the prior process of acne treatment.

How to treat acne without medications

In my previous blog post we’ve looked at the best pills to take for acne - and they’re not medications! Probiotics for gut health, essential fatty acids, a liver detoxifier, B complex, magnesium and zinc - these natural supplements will have the positive effects you’re looking for, with none of the side effects. And, as a bonus, they’ll clear up your other hormonal health issues at the same time. The even better news is that you can now dump the prescription and get a subscription!

A subscription to my supplement kit, which contains every single one of these vital nutrients and minerals that your body needs to clear you skin and make it glow from the inside out. As someone who has previously suffered with hormonal acne, I have my favorites when it comes to skincare products. These are free from endocrine-disruptors, are all-natural, and work quickly - no ProActiv in sight! The Flo Living protocol effectively supports your body’s elimination system, balances estrogen and testosterone, and will treat and prevent your hormonal acne. A combination of the right foods and the right supplements can help you move past hormonal acne, finally, and get the clear skin you want. It worked for me and it will work for you too. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements are a complete package that work together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycle) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the brand-new BALANCE Supplement Kit.

The best foods to eat when you are on your period (and want to feel good)

When it comes to food and the menstrual cycle, we often focus on what we want to eat and when, which comes down to the cravings and binges that usually happen during the premenstrual phase. We don’t often think about how to nourish our bodies when we’re menstruating. For most women, their appetite actually lessens during the actual period week and cravings can subside.

However, your body is calling out for foods that will comfort, support, and sooth any symptoms - from the fatigue, to the low mood, to the difficult bowel movements. There are foods you can choose to eat more of during your period that will make you feel better and give you an overall improved period experience. The Monthly FLO protocol finds its foundation in Cycle Syncing food choices to your menstrual cycle phase to create happy hormones and hormone balance, and in this process the menstrual phase gets just as much attention as the pre-menstrual or ovulatory.

Your body is doing an amazing thing during this phase, as it is throughout the cycle, and it needs your support! Your period should be a time of supercharged self-care and so much love for your body. When we talk about menstrual care we often just think about tampons and pads, when we really should be thinking more holistically and broadly about supporting our health and hormones. Here’s to a better period!

The best foods to eat during your period:

  • Liquid chlorophyll - chlorophyll works to raise your iron levels. You’re losing blood, so you need to add in the iron. Other iron rich foods are spinach, lentils, and grass-fed beef. But liquid chlorophyll is a simple addition and packs a powerful iron punch. If you experience clots, heavy bleeds, or fatigue during your period this is especially important.
  • Royal Jelly - rich in amino acids, a necessary building block for hormones, royal jelly can support you during the time in your cycle when your hormones are at their lowest ebb. You can also find so many essential amino acids in a whole egg, yolk and all (don’t skip that yolk!). You can add royal jelly to an afternoon smoothie for a pick-me-up.
  • Sardines - high in omega-3s, this good fat is essential for mood stabilization during your period. Often women experience PMS and their period as a continuum, and so that pre-menstrual low mood can carry on through menstruation. Omega-3s are also fantastic for combatting period cramps. Sardines, mixed with tahini, on gluten-free bread or crackers makes a great, filling snack
  • Seaweed - also rich in iron, seaweeds of all kinds are a great choice during your period. Warming foods are best at this time of the cycle, so use seaweed to create a rich broth or soup. Your body is not in the hormonal place to process raw, cold foods during your period, so seek out warmth and rich nourishment.
  • Bone broth - bone broth is soothing, relaxing, and can help with sleep. Have a big cup in the evening before bed when you’re on your period. Bone broth is also packed full of amino acids and it can help a lot with bloating and digestive discomfort during your period. If you experience a constipation/diarrhea cycle during your period, avoid eating too many raw veggies and fibrous foods.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


Understanding The Follicular Phase

The FLO Living protocol has its foundation in the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle. Many women are only familiar with one or two phases of this cycle - usually menstruation and the premenstrual phase. Menstruation is obvious, because that’s when we bleed, and the premenstrual phase tends to come with many negative connotations as well as lived symptoms that make up our understanding of PMS - like mood swings, cravings, bloating, and acne.

Yet, there are 4 full phases of the menstrual cycle throughout which your hormone levels dance and interplay to release an egg, prepare your uterus for pregnancy, and finally, prepare for a new menstrual cycle. Every phase has different hormones that are peaking and others that are on their low ebb. Every phase carries with it a different energetic pattern or focus that hinges on the fluctuation of your hormones.

The FLO Living protocol is about tapping into that shifting energy to get the most out of your hormones, and your life. In this series we’ll look at the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle and, starting with the follicular phase, share what you can expect to learn from the Monthly FLO program, about harnessing your hormones for your health and happiness.

Once you know the basics, you will discover how the Cycle Syncing® Method can make your menstrual cycle your power center & your best asset all at once!

The follicular phase: the hormone science

The follicular phase is when your body is developing follicles in your ovary, ready for ovulation to occur. High amounts of the aptly-named follicle stimulating hormone is flooding your body at this time. Of the follicles that are being stimulated, one will burst to release the egg or ovum at ovulation. Estrogen is also peaking as it spurs on your uterus to prepare for a potential fertilized egg. Luteinizing hormone is released to support the follicles to maturation.

The follicular phase begins on the first day after the end of your period bleeding. It is the first day of your cycle and sometimes called Cycle Day 1 or CD1.

The length of your follicular phase can vary because ovulation can be delayed for days, weeks, or months because of your body’s inability to undertake the task. In a healthy cycle, the follicular phase would last 7-10 days, but your body needs help in achieving healthy cycles. There is a food & hormone connection - too little and our cycles will stop; too much of those hormone-disruptive foods and we will not ovulate; too little of the hormone-boosting foods and we won’t make enough hormones.

The Monthly FLO program provides a meal plan that will fuel your body to stimulate those follicles, ensuring the return of ovulation and regular menstrual cycles. Find out if you’re ovulating and where you are in your cycle today

The follicular phase: the energy science

Once you have menstrual cycle awareness, you will notice that you feel differently throughout your whole cycle. Download our MyFLO app to tune into your body and get reminders of where your hormones are at and how best to harness them for your benefit.

During the follicular phase, your physical energy is at its height. You have more stamina, you feel less tired, you can workout without much fatigue, you can tackle long hikes and long work meetings without flagging. You will be happy to socialize and pack your schedule with activities, and you’ll have the reserves to conquer it all.

Inside your body, it’s the beginning of a creative process - building to the potential creation of a new life (although, the energy is the same whether you’re planning or avoiding pregnancy at this time). It’s all about ideation, inspiration, project planning, and your whole self emerging  in this new cycle, onto a new path.

During this time, as part of my Cycle Syncing® Method, I like to map out what I want to achieve in the weeks ahead of me. I set my intentions, I write down my goals and desires, I use my planner to draw up my schedule. If you’re more of a visual learner - you can use this phase to create a vision board for your new cycle. I carry a purple notebook with me during this phase, knowing that inspiration may strike at any time with new ideas for FLO Living.  

The follicular phase: the Cycle Syncing® science

For your career: Begin a new project; host a brainstorming session with your team; take the team out for a celebratory dinner; welcome new teammates or employees; network; apply for a new job; start a new side business or creative project  

For your social life: Say yes to all invitations, especially new experiences (a new exhibit, a band you’ve never seen, a new dance class, something outside of your usual comfort zone); pull a late-nighter and go out dancing with friends; try a new activity with your partner to bring you closer together; workout or hike with friends

For your workouts:  Go hard on the cardio; try a bootcamp week; start a new kind of workout that’s complex or challenging for your body and brain; go on a yoga retreat

For your romance: Have a few date nights with your partner; do something new that you’re both curious to try; get experimental with your sex life; go on a dating app and meet someone new

Once you have menstrual cycle awareness, everything in life just FLOs. You’re choosing to work with your body, instead of against it. Cooperating with your hormones, hand-in-hand, leads you to getting all the best out of your life. Your body and mind is primed for these activities and it will all come easily and eagerly to you. Your body is encoded with the creative process happening inside your ovaries during the follicular phase via your hormone patterns.

First, recognize that you already feel this way during this phase - know it, love it, embrace it as part of your life. Second, give yourself the permission to do things that feel the most natural for you during this phase. Taking this step means banishing stress, moodiness, fatigue, and frustration - and leads straight to feeling more in your FLO every single day.

We believe that no woman should suffer simply because she has a period

And we also know that it’s not always possible to get access to functional and holistic healthcare solutions — sometimes they’re too far away and most of the time they are way too expensive. That’s why we offer phone and Skype consultation sessions with our FLO coaches.

All of our expert FLO coaches have been trained by Alisa on top of being certified health coaches and licensed acupuncturists. And they are all qualified to help you find the right next step to get out of hormonal chaos and into your FLO. Work with a FLO Coach and find your customized plan to solve your period symptoms.

Click here to book your counselor consultation

How to Shrink Ovarian Cysts Naturally

Learn What to Eat to Prevent Ovarian Cysts

Functional ovarian cysts often develop and grow in relation to hormonal shifts. Hormonal imbalance issues can cause these cysts to grow much larger and even painfully rupture. Ovarian cysts can shrink and disappear without surgery or drugs, simply by creating an internal hormonal environment that keeps their development in check and under control.

It's common to not even realize that you have ovarian cysts until they stir up symptoms, as the result of growing larger or rupturing. The choices you begin to make today can help you avoid this from happening, especially if you do currently have smaller cysts. The early warning signs of hormonal imbalance, as a precursor to ovarian cyst growth, include period and cycle-related issues like PMS, missing periods, irregular cycles, and cramps.

Any woman who is experiencing estrogen overload or estrogen dominance - one of the most common hormonal imbalance situations - is at risk of developing ovarian cysts that become symptomatic. The symptoms of ovarian cysts range from bloating to frequent urination. Oftentimes, a woman who experiences a ruptured ovarian cyst will go to the ER with a lot of pain and a fever. Unfortunately, due to a lack of women’s health awareness, she will often be treated for appendicitis instead. The best way forward is to take control for yourself now, so you are not dependent on receiving emergency treatment down the line.

How to shrink ovarian cysts

Natural remedies from a functional nutrition standpoint are highly effective for preventing cysts and shrinking cysts you may already have. We have seen women reverse their diagnosis of ovarian cysts, shocking their doctors and themselves by how effectively their body is capable of resolving this issue, when given the tools it needs to do so.

Any woman with a hormonal imbalance can take these actions with their diet as a preventative care measure, even if you currently do not know if you have ovarian cysts. Women deserve to understand the ways that nutrition and food interact with our hormonal health and well being. Even though every body is different, there are still ways that we can learn together how our food and symptoms can be related as well as how to make changes to improve our lives.

Here are 5 strategies you can take to combat ovarian cysts:

1. Release excess estrogen - green vegetables like Brussels sprouts, kale, collards, broccoli, and cabbage contain DIM (Di-Indolyl Methane) which is very effective at helping the body process and eliminate excess estrogen. Try to have a side of these veggies at every meal - whether that’s sautéed collard greens with your eggs at breakfast or broccoli with your bison burger for dinner.

2. Detox your liver - while so many products are marketed to us as detoxifying, the truth is quite simple - you need to eat to support your liver function, and the best way to do this directly is through food. Eat more eggs for essential bio-available protein, glutathione-heavy veggies like avocados and asparagus, and selenium superfoods like brazil nuts and oatmeal.

3. Fiber up - a diet high in fiber has been shown to decrease the reabsorption of estrogen in the body, lowering the incidence of estrogen-related health issues which include cysts & breast cancer. Fruits and veggies are the best sources of fiber for this purpose. Add fiber-rich flax seeds to your salads, soups & smoothies. Enjoy a fiber-full pear every day as a snack.

4. Be good to your gut - fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, or pickles help your body manage estrogen levels. The estrobolome (a set of gut bacteria or gut genes) produces an essential enzyme that helps metabolize your excess estrogen. Giving your gut what it wants and needs to process estrogen and maintain hormonal balance is vital.

5. Practice Cycle Syncing® your nutrients - there are 2 peak estrogen surges during your cycle that need to be responded to and controlled with your food choices. The Cycle Syncing® Method targets these surges with foods and supplements that contain the micronutrients your body wants, in order to benefit from the estrogen it does need. It also helps process the excess estrogen it does not need. This ensures these surges stay as spikes in estrogen, and do not become long term estrogen dominance. You simply stock your fridge and pantry with foods specific to each phase of your hormone cycle, to address this common hormonal problem.

It's possible to take your health into your own hands and heal your ovarian cysts, naturally. With the right tools, you can move towards greater hormonal balance and a healthier life. Flo Living is here to help.

Natural remedies from a functional nutrition standpoint are highly effective for preventing & shrinking cysts.

The worst foods for fibroids

1 in 5 women will develop fibroids in their lifetime. Fibroids are noncancerous growths in the wall of the uterus that can cause heavy bleeding, painful periods, prolonged menstruation, back pain, and much more. Fibroids are most common in women in their 30s, particularly African American women, as well as those with a relative (i.e. mom, aunt, sister) who also has fibroids. The one factor in whether you become or already are that one in five is your diet and this factor you can change today.

Fibroid growth is connected to hormonal balance, specifically the problem of estrogen dominance - this is why women who experience fibroids often find they shrink or disappear post-menopause when estrogen levels are lower. By changing what you eat you have the power to change your hormone balance and reverse an internal ecosystem currently functioning with estrogen overload.

This very common health issue is usually resolved with a prescription of the birth control pill or hysterectomy. However, the birth control may manage symptoms, it will not prevent fibroids from returning once you decide to go off, and Post Pill Syndrome can bring about worsened estrogen dominance, not to mention the myriad side effects of synthetic hormone replacement. Hysterectomy also has side effects, short and long term, for women’s health and can lead to heightened risk of the top cause of premature death for women - cardiovascular disease.

To have an impact on fibroid growth, shrink fibroids, or prevent fibroids in your future you need to focus on supporting your body is processing, eliminating, and detoxing from excess estrogen. You can do this by supporting your liver function, boosting gut health, and decreasing inflammation in the body. The first step is to remove those food that trigger fibroid growth and symptoms. The next step is to fold into your daily diet the right foods and supplements that will allow your hormones to rebalance and stay in harmony.

The worst foods for fibroids

Avoid dairy to minimize risk of fibroids
  • Dairy - much regular dairy is full of the artificial hormones including synthetic estrogen, given to dairy cows to make them grow and produce unnatural amounts of milk, which will add to your high-estrogen environment. The antibiotics in regular dairy also has a destructive effect on your microbiome, which is essential for estrogen metabolism. Dairy is also an inflammatory food leading to increase in symptoms with fibroids. Plus most cows in the US are fed with soy, a estrogenic food. A pillar of the FLO Living protocol is removing dairy from your diet and detoxing. The much safer choice if you must have dairy is organic goats’ or sheeps’ milk, cheese, and yogurts as these do not containing the problematic A1 casein.
  • Processed red meat - processed red meat from factory farmed cows, injected with antibiotics and fed with soy, is another food type to avoid if you have fibroids. The one study that found consumption of processed meat increased the likelihood of fibroid growth, also showed that a high intake of fruits and vegetables can have the opposite effect. The FLO Living protocol recommends small amounts of red meat eaten during certain hormonally-specific times in your menstrual cycle, allowing for a varied diet and a controlled enjoyment of red meat, always organic and grass-fed.
Gluten and refine wheat is bad for fibroids
  • White bread, pasta, potatoes  - eating refined carbohydrates is no different to eating piles of sugar, both increase insulin causing blood sugar imbalance which is a primary factor behind imbalance hormones. On top of that, gluten is inflammatory and messes with the delicate balance of the microbiome where much of your estrogen is metabolized and processed. The FLO Living protocol is primarily gluten free and instead holds a range of whole grains as the replacement. Wheat crops are treated with the pesticide glyphosate (a hormone disrupter and estrogenic in the body) to such a high degree that it’s hard in the US to find a crop that hasn’t been contaminated. From my experience, most women who are experiencing hormonal health issues are also gluten-sensitive.
Avoid wine and coffee
  • Caffeine + alcohol - over-consumption of coffee and alcohol,  which for women means just 2 cups of coffee or  2 high caffeine drinks a day or a glass of wine every night, can overload and strain the function of your liver, hampering it in its ability to process and eliminate excess estrogen. The liver plays a vital role in hormone balancing and when it’s busy getting rid of coffee and alcohol, it cannot play its part to the fullest effect. Just a couple of glasses of wine significantly raises your estrogen levels. Coffee suppresses ovulation, thereby suppressing production of progesterone and producing an estrogen dominated hormone imbalance.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


The emotional connection with endometriosis

Research of the mind-body connection is gaining ground in mainstream science, no longer relegated to “alternative” medicine. We are coming to understand - in a deeper and more detailed way - how thoughts and feelings can directly impact our physical health and well-being. We are seeing the empirical evidence mounting when it comes to how physical symptoms can manifest in connection to emotions. This is a concept I think we all understand instinctively, and often relate to in our own lives. It’s good to see the science supporting a shared experience. Endometriosis is a serious reproductive health issue with debilitating symptoms. When a woman comes to me at FLO Living with endometriosis I share guidance on dietary triggers for those symptoms and potential lifestyle changes that can rid her surroundings of exacerbating chemicals. Endometriosis is a complex condition that needs a comprehensive strategy for management, tackling the ecosystem of the microbiome, liver health, inflammation in the body, and excess estrogen. All of these elements I view from a functional medicine standpoint, and have utilized to help hundreds of women overcome endometriosis symptoms - in example, Natalia is just one. For women with endometriosis it’s vital that we work together to prevent symptoms as soon as possible, and shifts in diet, adding supplements, and removing certain triggers can be very effective, very quickly.Just as in my previous post I looked at the emotional root of ovarian cysts, in this post I’ll be looking at the emotional connection for endometriosis sufferers. The emotional patterns behind hormonal and reproductive health issues are experienced by many, many women. Addressing the emotional aspect of health issues like ovarian cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, and PCOS can be an important part of the healing process. While these problems and their symptoms create their own emotions in women (depression, anxiety, stress, worry), they also come from emotions that many women hold. I believe that understanding the emotional root can lead to more compassion for ourselves, for other women, and an individual and collective recovery.This is something I see often with the women I work with through FLO Living, we will be in the process of working on her health issue from a functional medicine standpoint and eventually we’ll organically reach a point of discussing her life, her past experiences, her feelings about herself, and about the things that have happened to her. It’s not all that surprising, it’s intimate work, and when women treat women outside of the doctor’s office, there’s a tendency for the mind-body connection to come up in a way that you might not see happen elsewhere. It’s deeply frustrating that many female-specific health issues are under-researched, under-discussed, and often neglected. This is often the case with endometriosis, although I’m glad to see that recently more attention is being brought to this condition through advocacy and education.

The feminist mind-body connection

Think about your female reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, vagina) acting as a “low heart” and as such holding many of your unconscious, deeper emotions that the “high heart” is not yet ready to process. The emotions are held here, only to be released once a person has processed the source of these held feelings. There’s actually a deeply feminist history to the mind-body connection and how it relates to the female experience. A student of psychologist Carl Jung, Marion Woodman, developed a concept of “feminine psychology.” Her work details exactly  how unconsciously held emotions, feelings, and thoughts can affect the female body. It’s important to note that as science progresses we are seeing more and more empirical evidence to support and back up this perspective. Woodman investigated how women feel about their bodies. Many of us are brought up to be fearful and distrustful of our bodies, and she believed this has a significant impact on our health. She believed that the unprocessed trauma experienced by many women - as the result of individually experienced acts of abuse and violence, and as the result of cultural oppression - could manifest itself in physical symptoms, especially those relating specifically to female biology.

Your emotions and endometriosis

Looking to endometriosis specifically, the emotional connection can be found it something common to many women - that is, taking care of others more so than yourself.  The uterus seems to mirror the behavior, by having the material of the womb, the endometrium, the first maternal embrace an embryo receives, to grow outside of the womb, in an attempt to mother the woman who isn’t mothering herself.  This way, by creating a symptom you would have no choice but to pay attention to, would lead you more quickly to evaluate this situation of unbalanced mother behavior that is leaving you depleted. We’ve all heard the saying, “you cannot pour from an empty cup,” and we’ve heard it because so many of us continue to put others first always and ourselves last. That can mean caring for our partner, parents, siblings, or children at the expense of our own health and well-being. It’s wonderful to care for others and cater to their needs, but when we do it in such a way that puts ourselves a very poor last on the list, this can be detrimental. We might feel frustrated, angry, resentful, or just plain stressed and exhausted by the practical requirements of living that life. The expectations put on all women to be the care-providers, to put others first always, to do the “emotional labor” of supporting those around them can be oppressive. Does this resonate with you? Do you ever feel like you’re keeping everyone else happy, stable, and cared-for, but that you’re not attending to your own needs and desires? Do you long for someone to take care of you? There’s a burning desire there for self-nurturance as well as connection with other women and community-centered support. These pressures can come out in the body and manifest as symptoms. The emotional root of endometriosis is by no means the only root cause of endometriosis, but it’s an element that I have found to be important in my work with endometriosis sufferers at FLO Living. As I’ve said before, this has nothing to do with your personal choices in your life, and everything to do with the position of women in society, and how we are conditioned to organize our lives and act towards ourselves.  Your uterus is offering you a gift, an opportunity to reflect on your patterns and revise them for not only better health, but a happier life.  A very loving act indeed, even though it doesn’t feel like it at times, your reproductive organs are always lovingly pointing you in the right direction for your life as a woman.  

Compassion and community

Sadly, many women experience trauma in their lives and many of us also go through experiences we are unable to fully emotional process because the topic is considered taboo or we just don’t get the support we need to talk it out. Shared experiences between women include our first period, a miscarriage, abuse, rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence, aggression, as well as the compounding experience of living in a society that often presents us with misogyny and sexism. I’d like us to start by communicating our thoughts and feelings as women, together, and from there I think we can create an opportunity for individual and collective healing. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

We believe that no woman should suffer simply because she has a period.

And we also know that it’s not always possible to get access to functional and holistic healthcare solutions — sometimes they’re too far away and most of the time they are way too expensive.That’s why we offer phone and Skype consultation sessions with our FLO coaches.All of our expert FLO coaches have been trained by Alisa on top of being certified health coaches and licensed acupuncturists. And they are all qualified to help you find the right next step for you in getting out of hormonal chaos and into your FLO. Work with a FLO Coach and find your customized plan to solve your period symptoms.

Click here to book your counselor consultation

The 5 best supplements for PCOS

There are several types of PCOS on what I like to call “the PCOS spectrum” and these types fall under three banners - synthetic-hormone induced PCOS, insulin-resistant PCOS, and inflammation-based PCOS. While there are specific treatment protocols I advise for each type, there are still crossovers between, and certain supplements benefit every woman suffering with PCOS.I’ve had my own PCOS in remission for some 20 years using my FLO Living protocol. Food is the foundation of this protocol, but supplements super-charge the benefits of those hormone-supportive foods. I personally had a combination of the PCOS types mentioned above and I was able to roll back the symptoms and regain my health and fertility with the Cycle Syncing lifestyle. Micki and Judith are just two of the thousands of women I’ve helped reverse their own PCOS since teaching the FLO Living protocol to women. In previous posts I’ve explained in detail why the two most commonly prescribed PCOS treatments you are most likely to be offered - that is, Metformin and the birth control pill – are not actually effective and moreso “band-aid” solutions that sidestep the root cause and don’t tackle the issue long-term. Briefly, Metformin is only right for women with insulin-resistant PCOS, and even for these women I still recommend only short term use of the drug, and always paired with proactive changes to diet and lifestyle. The birth control pill masks the problems associated with PCOS. It may suppress some of the symptoms short term, but they usually come back once you go off and can be exacerbated by compounded hormonal imbalance. The pill exacerbates many of the root causes of PCOS, including insulin-resistance and inflammation.The 5 best supplements for PCOS These 5 supplements will be beneficial to all women with PCOS, addressing the root causes of this common hormonal health issue.

  1. Cinnamon - taking this warming spice as a supplement is proven to stabilize blood sugar, which is essential for all hormonally-sensitive women, but especially those with PCOS. I recommend New Chapter for a cinnamon supplement, but you can additionally shake cinnamon on oatmeal, eggs, or enjoy cinnamon tea, like Tazo’s Cinnamon Apple Baked. Getting blood sugar balance under control is so important for moving beyond PCOS.
  2. Magnesium - most women are deficient in magnesium and magnesium is vital for hormonal balance. Magnesium is proven to improve insulin resistance, it’s anti-inflammatory, and it redresses adrenal hormones - all essential actions for managing PCOS symptoms and treating the root causes of PCOS.
  3. B6 - one root cause of PCOS is estrogen dominance, which is inextricably linked to progesterone deficiency. B6 is proven to increase progesterone production and is actually one of the best vitamins to boost this hormone. You can do this with B6 rich foods like bananas, grass-fed beef, and garlic, but you can also take a daily supplement.
  4. Selenium - this nutrient is essential for your liver, helping to detox excess estrogen and environmental estrogens like pesticides. It also boosts progesterone along with B6, supporting the development of the corpus luteum which creates all your body’s progesterone. As such, selenium is a double whammy for tackling the root causes of PCOS.  
  5. Zinc - this mineral balances testosterone. Whether your testosterone levels are high or low (both possible with PCOS), zinc will have a positive affect. Several studies have shown how beneficial zinc supplementation can be for women suffering with PCOS, with relatively rapid results.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

We believe that no woman should suffer simply because she has a period.

And we also know that it’s not always possible to get access to functional and holistic healthcare solutions — sometimes they’re too far away and most of the time they are way too expensive.That’s why we offer phone and Skype consultation sessions with our FLO coaches.All of our expert FLO coaches have been trained by Alisa on top of being certified health coaches and licensed acupuncturists. And they are all qualified to help you find the right next step for you in getting out of hormonal chaos and into your FLO. Work with a FLO Coach and find your customized plan to solve your period symptoms.

Click here to book your counselor consultation

The key to avoiding the postpartum baby blues

For those of us who are hormonally sensitive postpartum depression can be a real concern once you’re pregnant. If you’ve experienced depression before, as part of hormonal imbalance issues like PCOS or PMS, then it can be worrying to know that you might be more susceptible to depression as part of the hormonal shifts post-birth - I know this worried me. I had experienced depression as part of my PCOS and knew I would have to be extra-vigilant to keep the baby blues at bay for myself. I had additional concern because my own mom suffered from clinical postpartum depression after her third and final pregnancy.Clinical postpartum depression is defined as a new mother having feelings of harm for herself or her child, and this is the case for many sufferers and requires medical intervention. For many other women, however, who do not fit the above definition, they experience the mood altering effects of rapid, ongoing, and long term hormonal fluctuations which results in not feeling like yourself, having mood swings, and low energy - in effect it’s mild depression, postpartum. This is a less obvious mild and functional form of depression, which is not classic or clinical postpartum depression, and can linger long after the official postpartum phase has ended, affecting a woman for years. The combination of hormone changes, changes in sleep, and not eating properly for your new mom life, can leave you vulnerable and become something more permanent if self care is compromised. I get how challenging it is to fit it all into your intense schedule. After the postpartum phase is considered over however, you would then just be categorized as having depression or anxiety, and perhaps even be recommended medication. I think it’s valuable to see the root cause of this situation you may find yourself in so you can address it properly - with food and lifestyle changes. While there is a drop in hormone levels postpartum, combined with hormonally disruptive sleep schedules that come with a new baby, there are steps you can take the support your health and safeguard against depression during this time. With new understandings about mental health, from pioneers like my colleague Dr. Kelly Brogan, with her book, A Mind of Your Own, we know that feeding your brain can keep it performing optimally and protects your mood balance. Being aware that you might be susceptible is important, as is having a handle on your hormonal imbalance issues before you even decide to conceive. I recommend to my clients to prep for pregnancy at least a few months (ideally a year) prior to trying to get pregnant if they are already dealing with irregular cycles, problem periods and other hormonal health issues. That said, if you are pregnant reading this and concerned about postpartum depression there are still actions you can take once baby is born. Going into a pregnancy hormonally healthy without unresolved health issues is ideal, but not absolutely essential for avoiding postpartum depression.Anyone can be at risk from depression postpartum. By leveraging good functional nutrition basics, you can give yourself all the support possible to keep yourself balanced during this huge transition.

The causes of depression postpartum

Clinical postpartum depression can be triggered by the rapid hormonal fluctuations post pregnancy and you should seek medical support if you need help. Mild depression postpartum also needs support and I think it’s important to look at all of the functional causes that might make this worse for you and to think about ways you can be proactive about avoiding as many of these as possible.

  1. There is a rapid drop in estrogen in the first few months after birth which affects mood, verbal skills, and even socializing habits.
  2. New moms are always coping with sleep deficiency, which leads to imbalance in the adrenal gland and thyroid hormone levels.
  3. New moms are often micronutrient deficient. Making a tiny person extracts as much nutrients from your body as physically possible. If you have a history of dieting, restriction of calories or food groups, then you may already start your pregnancy state with a deficiency - leading to higher levels of deficiency postpartum. This is not good for the baby or you. Low levels of micronutrients contribute to low hormone levels too.
  4. Prolonged breastfeeding keeps estrogen levels low and can dramatically impact your mood. Stopping breastfeeding can create an additional hormone and therefore mood shift and is best done slowly over 2-3 months.
  5. Many new moms stop their prenatal supplement routine too soon, even though you need to continue this into (and well past) the 4th trimester.
  6. Many women feel they want all their pregnancies close together - especially if they’re starting in their mid-30s, in order to “get it all out of the way”, to have siblings close in age, or capitalize on their fertile years. If your next pregnancy and birth is very close to the prior, you must be even more vigilant about nourishing your body, restoring micronutrient levels, and not focusing on postpartum dieting to lose baby weight, but prepping your body for another request to 3D print a new tiny human!
  7. There are many environmental factors that can be at play with postpartum depression. A not very supportive spouse, lack of childcare, and financial strain. Birth and a new baby can trigger anxiety that feels very primitive and primal - it’s more intense because you badly want to do right by your child. It can make for a very emotionally charged time. And it’s not always easy to tackle what can be an isolating experience if you’re not surrounded by a supportive community of friends and family who are truly there for you.

It’s harder to maintain hormonal balance when grappling with a new schedule, but it’s not impossible. It takes awareness of what your body needs to maintain peak physical and mental health. And of course, we all desire to be as healthy as we can in order to take care of a new baby, so this can be a great motivator in making the necessary commitments to self care. It’s also important to be aware that clinical and mild postpartum depression doesn’t always happen the day you get home from the hospital, it can be after 3 months or even later. That’s why during the 4th trimester it’s so important to take care of yourself as much as your baby. If you’re breastfeeding it’s even more crucial that you eat well and take care of your health, for as long as you’re breastfeeding and for several months beyond.

What to eat postpartum to avoid depression

After the birth of my daughter I concentrated on eating a diet with high nutrient density, a lot, and frequently. This is not the time to crash diet or worry about baby weight. Eat well and the pounds will fall away naturally. They did for me - I lost the 50 lbs. I had gained in a few months, without depriving myself in a way that would have only triggered hormonal imbalance. This is a sample of how I ate during my 4th trimester and beyond, as I continued breastfeeding. Note that lots of snacking and small meals throughout the day are excellent between nursing, napping, and recovering from labor and delivery.Breakfast – Steel cut oats with black sesame seeds, coconut oil, flax, cinnamon, goji berries Snack – 2 eggs scrambled in coconut oil with turmeric Lunch – Salmon and quinoa with lentils and fermented sauerkrautSnack – Avocado on black rice breadDinner – Bison/lamb/beef burger with green beans and sweet potato baked ‘fries’Snack – 2 Dates or dried figs with 3 Squares Dark Chocolate with Mother’s Milk TeaSnack - Macaroon or gluten-free llactation cookieSnack - Bone Broth with black rice bread and chicken liver pateEating this way supports each of the areas of health that can be off-balance post-birth: - your micronutrient levels- your microbiome- your hormone production My specific FLO protocol for the postpartum phase emphasizes these nourishment goals:

  • Increasing the use of warming, drying spices like cinnamon, cayenne, and nutmeg.
  • Holding off on the raw vegetables, cold smoothies, raw juices, and raw fruits for the first 40 days postpartum. Then only slowly reincorporating them back in.

These tenets are sourced in Traditional Chinese Medicine which emphasizes the importance of restoring Yin energy post-birth. It’s also great for the baby’s own digestion as most newborns can’t actually tolerate even cooked veggies in a mother’s milk at first. The book “The First Forty Days” is an excellent resource on postpartum nourishment to enhance your health and the health of your baby.This nourishing food supports each element to provide a strong foundation. If you have this foundation laid down it is much easier to deal with sleep deprivation and stress. Your body will not respond as dramatically to your changing way of life. The food provides the strength you need to take on this new challenge. It also supports you as you potentially prepare for another pregnancy.I like to call this “active recovery” - instead of assuming your body will spring back or assuming that once you’re physically healed that the work is done, know that you have to be active in your post-birth recovery every single day. Don’t see it as an additional responsibility, see it as something you’re doing to excel at taking care of your child.

Finding support to avoid postpartum depression

I chose to have a postpartum doula as well as a labor and delivery doula. She didn’t just check up on me right after the birth, but carried on doing so several times throughout the rest of that first year. If you’re able to have doula support, I highly recommend it. It goes above and beyond the 6 week postpartum check up you’ll get from your doctor (where you may not yet be presenting symptoms). Doulas take the time to see you in your home environment, spend time with you, listen to you, cook for you and care for you, as well as the baby, as they know how vital it is that a new mom is healthy and happy. Although this may seem like a luxury, it's actually not that expensive and many doulas now work on a sliding scale too. In most European countries, 1 year of post-partum doula visits are government-subsidized, so every woman gets the care to ensure she is well postpartum - something we should fight for here in the US, too. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, are you struggling with eating well as a new mom?Second, are you struggling with mild depression? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

My favorite healthy recipes for the holiday season plus my recommended ready-made sweet treats

For me, the holiday season is all about the sugary treats that are everywhere you look. I can easily and simply make my Christmas day dinner and even my holiday party appetizers healthy and hormone-friendly without a hitch, but the sheer ubiquity of sugar this time of year truly tests my willpower and triggers those cravings. While the rest of the year a couple of squares of good quality dark chocolate can cut it, when the holidays are here I need something a bit more. I need to prepare and make sure I have everything on hand to satisfy that nagging sweet tooth. A little indulgence every now and then is an important part of self-care and the run-up to Christmas is the worst time of year to self-punishment and deprivation. I say - enjoy yourself, but in a way that will make you feel good for longer than it takes to clean your plate - which means making healthy, hormone-supporting choices.The best way to avoid unsafe and toxic ingredients is to make your own treats at home. There’s no need to scrutinize packaging and decode labels that suggest something is healthy when you know it’s probably not. Make your own, for your family, friends and for yourself and you’ll bring the Christmas cheer while taking care of your cravings.I love the idea of introducing my friends to sweet treats that are nourishing and good for your body. I wholly recommended turning up at a party with my favorite sweet potatoe brownies or challenging your friends to a Christmas cookie swap that keeps the white sugar, the gluten, and the dairy at bay. In fact, healthy sweets are one of the best ways to recruit fellow health warriors to your side and get some co-conspirators to Cycle Sync with! They’re the perfect gateway “drug” to a new way of life.Take a look at my guide to the best kinds of sweeteners to use instead of the white (or brown) stuff before you get to baking.

Keeping it simple with sweets

I’ll be sharing my favorite recipes here, but I’m also a fan of keeping things simple, which for me means stocking up on easy, convenient products that help you get your sweet fix without too much fuss. I love the Crio Bru cocoa grounds you fix in your French press. Add some almond milk and nutmeg with cinnamon sprinkles and you have the best dark chocolate drink. I put it in my Holiday Gift Guide for a reason.I love to use Zema’s Madhouse baking mix to make breakfast pancakes and waffles - it’s cocoa, the ancient grain teff, and a superseed mix you can feel really good about giving to yourself and your kids. Try the black bean brownie bites, sweet potato baking mix, or apple cinnamon muffin mix - all are super nutritious, satisfying and so delicious. The company’s tagline is “treat yourself - well” and i couldn’t agree more. I’m an advocate for healthy eating, not deprivation.  The wonderful thing about these mixes - it means you can definitely have more than just the one cookie!I have a ready-made, go-to list for candies that are free of toxic, hormonally-disruptive ingredients including replacements for my favorites like peanut butter M&Ms and Reese’s Pieces. It’s so simple to source healthy alternatives these days and have them delivered straight to your door.

My favorite healthy, but sweet holiday recipes I have some go-to websites I love for inspiration for home baking. My current favorite in Bon Jon Gourmet. Many of the recipes from this ex-pastry chef are gluten-free or vegan, and so dairy-free. Many also avoid refined sugar completely. Bliss! Like this sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan no-bake lemon, berry and coconut cream tarte or these sugar-free, gluten-free, vegan no-bake hazlenut ganache brownies. Here are some of the sweet treat recipes I’ve perfected for myself over the years.

Chocolate Sweet Potato Brownies

Ingredients: 1 raw medium sweet potato (purple skin/white flesh) – 2 1/2 cups when grated, 2 whole eggs, ½ cup melted coconut oil, ⅓ cup honey or coconut nectar, 2 teaspoons vanilla extract, ½ cup raw cacao powder, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 2½ tablespoon coconut flour, ¼ tsp pink himalayan salt

Instructions: Preheat oven to 375 °F. Combine wet: grated sweet potato, eggs, vanilla, honey and coconut oil oil in a large mixing bowl and stir together until well incorporated.Mix dry: cacao powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt and coconut flour. Combine wet into dry and mix well.Pour the mixture into a 9 inch square baking tin lined with parchment paper. Cook for 25-30 minutes. Let cool for 10 minutes before carefully removing the brownies from the tin.Serve with raspberries or strawberries and maybe some coconut yogurt to be extra decadent.

Winter Cobbler

Ingredients: 4 pears, cored, sliced½ bag of frozen blueberries, juice of ½ lemon, ½ tsp cinnamon, pinch of salt, 2 T coconut oil, 1 tsp arrowroot

Instructions: Combine all the ingredients in a 14 inch casserole baking dish.Sprinkle gluten free/sugar free plain granola on top (like Purely Elizabeth’s).Cover with aluminum foil.Bake at 350 for 30 min covered.Let sit 15 minutes uncovered and cool.Serve with fresh mint and coconut yogurt or a drizzle of honey.

Coconut Almond Bark

Ingredients: 2 cups shredded coconut, 1 cup toasted almonds, 8 ounces dark chocolate, Himalayan sea salt

Instructions: Line a baking sheet with parchment paperCombine 2 cups finely shredded coconut and 1 cup toasted almonds in a large bowlPlace 8 ounces dark chocolate in a double boiler (or a bowl placed over a bit of simmering water) and melt it. Pour the chocolate over the coconut mixture and stir to combine.Let cool a few minutes and then drop by the tablespoonful onto baking sheet. Finish with a few grains of salt on top of each. The mixture will be a bit crumbly, but will set as the chocolate cools. If your kitchen is on the cool side, the clusters will set over the course of an hour or so. If you want to speed up the process a bit, pop them in the refrigerator.

Snow Balls

Ingredients: ⅓ cup unsalted almonds, Dried apricots, Dates, Coconut flakes

Instructions: Pulverize 1/3 cup unsalted almonds with a food processor and set aside. Then blend a handful of dried apricots in a food processor, adding a drop of hot water to blend easier. Do the same with a handful of dates (take pits out first). Mix apricots, dates, and almonds together to form a paste. Form into balls and then roll in coconut flakes. Makes 12 bites.

The 7 best immunity-boosting supplements for moms

You might be surprised to hear that I got a head cold this month. It was a surprise to me too, because it had been 3 whole years since I was last sick. When was the last time you were sick? I got this head cold from my daughter who, with a still growing and strengthening immune system, is susceptible. I’m more susceptible myself right now, not just because of close proximity to my daughter’s cold, but because my immunity is slightly suppressed from breastfeeding and sleep interruption - you know, living with a two year old! Having kids can make you more likely to get sick - it’s not just that they go to nursery, pre-school and school with a bunch of other kids, but also that you’re often finding yourself losing sleep, not eating properly, getting stressed - all the kinds of things that can weaken your immunity. But as the seasons change, with the shift in temperature to cooler days and cold nights, everyone’s body experiences a phase of down-regulation of metabolism which if you’re already on toxic overload and decreased immunity can make you susceptible to catching what’s going around. That’s why instead of waiting to spot treat illnesses as the come along, it’s always a good idea to be well-prepared with an immune-strengthening diet and lifestyle in every season.So, what did I do when I got sick? I took really good care of myself by reaching for my favorite immunity-boosting supplements. I dosed myself with these, plus bone broth and large helpings of sauerkraut. I kept myself well hydrated. And you know what, I fought that head cold off fast! I already had my medicine cabinet packed with natural remedies that support my body’s own immunity strengths.

The 7 best immunity-boosting supplements

Remember that no amount of supplements will prevent you from getting sick unless you eat a diet every day of the year that consists of foods that boost your health, and avoid immunity-sapping activities like drinking too much alcohol, coffee, not getting enough sleep, and not practicing self-care. These supplements are very effective, but only as a part of a wider daily, year-round effort to support your body’s needs.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,Alisa

Good things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!First, do you often get colds? Second, do you take supplements and what kind? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

How sugar causes hormonal imbalance + How to quit sugar

One of the essential components of the FLO Living protocol is management of blood sugar. Not one woman who works with me to resolve her PMS, cramps, low libido, PCOS, or infertility starts out with stabilized blood sugar. You’ve probably heard a lot more lately about how sugar is the source of many health issues.

All signs are pointing towards the need for us to move on from sugar and get to grips with our consumption, as well as learn how to manage our blood sugar levels.

Of course, sugar is not just sugar - it’s white sugar, and brown sugar, white carbs (ie. bread, pasta, potatoes), agave, maple syrup, cane sugar. There are so many ways in which sugar is now packaged, but also so many alternative sweeteners out there, that while marginally better than refined sugar, still have the same negative impact on our blood sugar levels and therefore our overall health. It’s not that I avoid, or expect you to avoid, sweeteners entirely - but we do need to choose the right kind of sweeteners and use them in controlled, small amounts.

Sugar and your hormones

So, how does this relate back to your hormones? As I said, an essential component of the FLO Living protocol is stabilizing blood sugar and the first step is cutting back on sugar. Our bodies and brains need glucose as fuel - so we do need some sugar, just not as much as you’re probably eating at this time. It takes a concerted effort to avoid over-consuming sugar and to keep your blood sugar in check. Your endocrine system perceives mismanaged blood sugar as a stressor. Your adrenals glands respond by sending out a lot of cortisol (the stress hormone) and adrenaline. This begins the hormonal havoc.

Here’s a breakdown:  

  • When you eat sugar or carb-based food it stimulates your insulin response. Your metabolism is designed to preserve the glucose you receive from carbs or sugar, because your body and brain needs it for fuel.
  • Sucrose and other kinds of sugars have to be converted into glucose for your body. The only way the glucose can get into the cells in your body that need it is with insulin. When you eat a lot of sugar or carbs, and there’s a ton of glucose in your system, your body sends out lots of insulin to deal with this.
  • Your body is saying - “I want to save this glucose for the brain and body now as we don’t know if we’ll get it again” (consider this evolutionarily - early woman only got glucose via fruits and berries very occasionally). Our bodies are actually better designed to get fuel from fat than from sugar.
  • The glucose in your body enters the cells, but there’s excess insulin and glucose. Your body doesn’t need all that much glucose and cannot use it all. It is then packaged up as glycogen. This is why sugar-holics, like alcoholics, can have fatty liver disease.
  • This glucose over-exposure saturates your cells and sends your blood sugar levels soaring and then crashing. A glucose and insulin spike disrupts ovulation - preventing your hormones from triggering ovulation and the creation of progesterone as a result of ovulation. Disrupted ovulation causes hormonal imbalance - without ovulation you cannot produce progesterone, which leads to estrogen dominance.
  • Your fat cells in your body secrete estrogen. The more sugar you eat, the more fat cells you create, the more estrogen they secrete. This estrogen adds to the estrogen your endocrine system produces. Add in xenoestrogens in our environment. You’re set up for estrogen dominance, progesterone deficiency, and hormonal imbalance. This hormonal imbalance is a root cause of common issues like PMS, cramps, irregular cycles, acne, along with PCOS and infertility issues.
  • If you have insulin-resistant PCOS then having excess glucose in your bloodstream will cause inflammation, which leads to many chronic health issues.

How to quit sugar

Now you understand the science of why sugar messes with your hormones, let’s look at how to can cut back on sugar and detox it from your diet. Giving up sugar can seem really hard, but know that it doesn’t mean you can’t have anything sweet ever, far from it. You can still have treats and desserts, even, you just need to be conscious about the kind of sweetener and the amount you are consuming so you always have an eye on maintaining that blood sugar stasis.

  1. Eat a good breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up for the day. It’s a great way to safeguard your blood sugar stasis. Make lunch your biggest meal of the day and include complex carbs (like black beans) and good fats (like avocado).
  2. When you do have a sugar craving - reach for the kind of sweeteners that don’t cause as much disruption. I find honey and coconut nectar are good substitutes, but date sugar and molasses can also work well.  
  3. Make homemade sweet treats so you can satisfy those cravings and not feel the need to reach for a candy or cupcake, using honey or coconut nectar in small amounts. Aim to use only ¼ of cup or 4 tablespoons of sweetener for any recipe.
  4. Eat lots of fiber-rich foods to detoxify the liver - this will help you create more of the FGF21 hormone that prevents sugar cravings and will detoxify your body of excess estrogen.
  5. Watch out for hidden sugars in everything from pasta sauces to bread when you are grocery shopping. Remember that fruit-based juices and smoothies that don’t contain much fiber can have as negative an impact on your health as a can of soda.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


The long term side effects of hormonal birth control for women

A new study on a male hormonal contraceptive injection sparked a discussion this week that drew focus to the kinds of side effects women experience from their birth control methods. The male study participants suffered mood changes, acne, and suppressed fertility post-trial. These side effects were viewed by the researchers, and experts, as reason enough to halt the study completely. Women, unsurprisingly, took to social media to vent their outrage - these are the exact same side effects women experience on the currently available female hormonal contraceptives. They’re also the kind of side effects unfortunately frequently dismissed or played down by doctors. Many of you commented on our FLO Living Facebook page with your own stories and shared concerns about the burden placed on women to prevent pregnancy. Multiple studies on female hormonal contraceptives have concluded that women do experience unwanted side effects. I was glad to see the reaction this week - women being honest about their experiences, demanding to be taken seriously, and saying “enough is enough.” Women do not deserve these side effects any more than men do. Every year new brands, types, and formulations of hormone-based birth control are released and women are pressured to use them. We are conditioned to believe that suffering is part of being a woman and so we tolerate more than we should, and instead we should have a zero tolerance policy on feeling bad in our bodies. As I watched this conversation unroll, I wondered how many women know that these side effects - mood changes, acne, suppressed fertility post-pill - are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the negative impact hormonal birth control has on the female body. We are quite familiar with the short term, sometimes near-immediate, negative effects - like bloating, weight gain, mood swings and nausea - but fewer of us are aware of the long term impact of hormonal birth control, the kinds of issues it can be difficult to reverse even when you come off the pill, and can impact your long term health.

The long term side effects of hormonal birth control for women

  1. Damaged microbiome - hormonal birth control acts just like an antibiotic in your gut, destroying the essential microbiome balance. If your doctor prescribes the pill for PCOS specifically, you will find it will only worsen the problems of weight gain and insulin sensitivity, because of the impact on gut flora. Just recently research revealed the pill can trigger Crohn’s, a symptomatic disease of imbalance in the microbiome. The microbiome is a new frontier for medicine, and more and more research is getting published that shows a healthy microbiome is necessary for good physical and psychological health. Repairing a damaged microbiome, while not impossible, takes time. The impact of the pill on the microbiome will last long after you stop taking it without concentrated, focused actions to replenish good gut bacteria.
  2. Increased inflammation - if you are prescribed the pill for cramps, PMS, or other common period problems (as many women are), you should know that those issues result from hormonal imbalance and inflammation in the body. The pill does not treat these root causes, but can mask the symptoms you experience. This puts you at higher risk of the big diseases of inflammation - heart disease, cancer and dementia - later in life. You need to tackle cramps and PMS as soon as possible, from a functional medicine standpoint, with the right food and supplements.
  3. Micronutrient deficiency - hormonal birth control prevents the absorption of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. It robs your body of B vitamins, magnesium, and vitamin C in particular, which has short and long term impacts on your health. These are essential for hormonal health and can lead to infertility issues post-pill. Once you’re micronutrient deficient, and prevented from absorbing what you need even from additional supplementation, you are set up for poor physical and mental health. It takes a nutrient dense, targeted diet after stopping using hormonal birth control to replenish your body’s reserves and repair the avenues of absorption.
  4. Suppressed ovulation - research has shown that consistent ovulation protects women’s long term health, especially when it comes to avoiding issues like osteoporosis, heart disease, heart attacks, and breast cancer (all top killers of women). Hormonal birth control (except, sometimes, the hormonal IUD) suppresses ovulation. Suppressing ovulation for years, decades even, has long term consequences, even if ovulation returns shortly after you come off the medication. Exposure to synthetic hormones plus a lack of exposure to the body’s own hormone cycles is the root cause. Ovulation is important, not just for when you want to conceive.
  5. Masked reproductive health issues - the pill is not a real treatment for reproductive health issues - from PMS to PCOS. Hormonal birth control can help manage symptoms for some women, but it is only a band-aid solution. This can be dangerous, because it can mask issues long term, if women are not diagnosed prior to being prescribed hormonal birth control. Once you come off the method, the problems will return and potentially have worse symptoms than before, as well as becoming harder to treat and resolve. It’s better to tackle these problems head-on and not wait until you’d like to conceive or suffer the long-term health consequences.

I know that many women depend on hormonal birth control to avoid unplanned pregnancy, which is why I have already outlined the best non-hormonal contraceptive options. If you are currently taking the pill or using another form of hormonal birth control, please follow my steps to transition off, as this will help you avoid the negative fall out for your health and a return of any symptoms you may have experienced before.Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you use the pill? Second, have you experienced side effects? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

The Benefits of Collagen for Your Hormones

Have you been hearing about the wonders of collagen for your skin and hair? Collagen is suggested as a beautifying aid everywhere these days. But what exactly is it and do you really need it? We're going to take a deep dive into this topic - the benefits of collagen, the best kind of collagen, and how it connects with your hormonal health. Collagen does have many benefits, but we don’t often hear how it can benefit our insides as much as our outsides.

Collagen as an anti-aging supplement

Collagen is a protein that is found in our bodies - our muscles, bones, skin and tendons. As we get older collagen depletes, and this leads to sagging, aging skin and aches and pains in our joints and muscles. We need collagen to look and feel youthful.

The inside game is feeding our body what it needs to stay youthful, supple, and healthy - which includes collagen supplements. Collagen is a much better choice than toxin-laden anti-aging creams that are endocrine-disrupting or adding toxins to your body like Botox, which compromise your liver function.

The benefits of collagen for your hormones  

Does collagen affect the menstrual cycle? Bodies are complex and many of our internal chemistries are related. In addition to the widely known collagen benefits to skin and joints, collagen also has other interactions that are not as well publicized, including benefits to your hormonal health. If you notice changes when you begin taking collagen, this list may help you understand the deeper connections between your body and taking a collagen supplement:

  • Collagen is a great source of amino acids (arginine, glutamine, glycine and proline). We need amino acids to produce healthy levels of hormones.
  • Collagen can help with gut health issues like leaky gut syndrome, repairing holes in the gut and preventing the inflammatory response (and subsequent hormonal havoc) that can come from food passing through these gaps, undigested.
  • The amino acid glycine is liver-supportive, helping your liver function to process and eliminate pesticides, xenoestrogens, and other avoidable and unavoidable toxins from the environment, food, and products we use.
  • Collagen supports healthy thyroid function and offsets cortisol (stress hormone) imbalance.

Collagen vs. gelatin

You may have heard the terms collagen and gelatin used interchangeably. That’s because gelatin is actually a part of collagen. When collagen is heated up - say, when you’re making chicken soup, or bone broth - it breaks down to become gelatin. They have very similar nutritional profiles and benefits, because they come from the same source. However, gelatin is a way we can most easily get the benefits of collagen. Unless taken in raw supplement form, cooking collagen is the easiest way to eat it and absorb its benefits.

Making bone broth is a great way to do this (see below), but you could roast a whole chicken, turkey, duck or a beef or lamb joint. This will also give you the benefits of gelatin, from including the bones, tendons and ligaments which contain the collagen. Another option is to buy gelatin powder and add this to smoothies.

The best way to get the benefits of collagen and gelatin

There are so many supplements available on the market to choose from. Look for a product that blends collagen, MSM, and Vitamin C for the best results. Be prepared to take it for up to 3 months before you see results.  We also recommend drinking bone broth. It is hormone-balancing and super nourishing. Here is a simple recipe, or you can buy fresh bone broth online for delivery or purchase it from your local Whole Foods or natural foods store. Finally, you can purchase a gelatin powder and add it to smoothies - it's a great protein source and gives you bioavailable building blocks to make collagen.

The 5 Early Warning Signs of Infertility

If you’re planning to get pregnant in the near future or even just in a few years time, it’s helpful to know your current fertility status. Many of most common reasons women have trouble conceiving are reversible, treatable health issues. Spotting the signs early that you might be dealing with infertility issues will help you to conceive when you want to and avoid some of the stress that can come when it isn’t happening how you expected it to. Our bodies give us signals that we might come up against problems when we want to get pregnant. Knowing what these signals and signs are puts you on the path to resolving the problem and boosting your fertility. Start early on the process of treating and resolving an infertility sign and you can then feel more confident that when you want to have a baby, you’ll have a much higher chance of success.

I always advise that women take at least a year to prepare themselves and their bodies for conception and pregnancy. If you have a hormonal imbalance like irregular periods or PCOS that you know could be an obstacle to pregnancy, then this prep time is essential. I have a protocol created for women looking to conceive for this very reason - it’s a holistic protocol that ensures you’re feeding your body what it needs for ovulation and healthy fertility, to sustain a pregnancy, as well as getting you in the right mindset to create a new life.

But if you’re reading this right now and thinking, “I haven’t tried to get pregnant yet, but I’m worried I could be infertile” then believe me, I get you. Women spend years trying to avoid getting pregnant, but we also worry that we won’t be able to get pregnant and have children when that time does come. It can be a real source of anxiety and worry. Knowing the early signs of infertility issues is key to allaying these fears. These signs are not life-sentences, they can be turned around and you can return to healthy fertility and have no fertility issues. It’s just the first step to  knowing exactly what you’re dealing with.

The 5 early warning signs of infertility

1. Early warning sign: Brown spotting before your period starts - your period is a fantastic indicator of your fertility status. Its color, consistency, length and the spacing between your periods can help you to understand many underlying health issues. If you have brown spotting in the days before your period really starts, this can indicate low progesterone levels. Low progesterone levels can be a risk factor for infertility and miscarriages. You may be able to get pregnant, but have trouble sustaining a pregnancy.

FLO-fix: B6 supplementation and eating a lot of B6-rich foods is a very well-researched way to increase your progesterone levels.

2. Early warning sign: Irregular cycles - again, your period is a great indicator of your fertility status. If you have irregular cycles, then you may not be ovulating and are probably experiencing cycles when you don’t ovulate at all. This is vital information - to get pregnant you need to ovulate, and you need to have sex during that fertile window of your cycle. If every other cycle is an anovulatory one, this can be a real infertility issue. Just because you have a period, it does not mean you are ovulating.

FLO-fix: Learn how to track your ovulation signs so you can really get to the bottom of if and when you are ovulating. The two most common causes of irregular cycles (without a PCOS diagnosis) are sugar and stress. If you have irregular cycles as part of a PCOS diagnosis, the FLO Living protocol is going to help you manage this issue. I’m a PCOS sufferer myself and Cycle Syncing® my diet allowed me to conceive my daughter at 37 years-old, on my third try.

3. Early warning sign: Chronic yeast infections, Bacterial Vaginosis, undiagnosed Chlamydia - it’s always a good idea, prior to conceiving, to get a full check up on STDs and STIs to make sure you do not have undiagnosed, symptomless chlamydia or anything else. The low-level inflammation caused by Bacterial Vaginosis is linked to the prevention of fertilization of the egg, spontaneous miscarriage, and a higher risk of preterm birth. Chronic yeast infections and urinary tract infections suggest your vaginal and gut microbiome is off-balance, which can trigger more inflammatory response.

FLO-fix: Aside from a full STD check up with your doctor, I recommend natural treatment protocols for yeast infections and urinary tract infections, no antibiotics. You can also reverse Bacterial Vaginosis with supplements and the support of the FLO Living protocol.

4. Early warning sign: Poor gut health - by this I mean Irritable Bowel Syndrome, gut dysbiosis, frequent bloating and discomfort, and leaky gut syndrome. Your gut health is of vital importance to your fertility. If you have any of these issues right now then you will likely have problems conceiving. The health of your estrobolome (which is part of your gut health/microbiome) is key to your hormonal balance. A poorly functioning estrobolome can cause estrogen dominance that will set off the “stress axis” in your body and cause infertility at an early age.

FLO-fix: I recommend cutting some foods completely out of your diet - including “the white stuff” - aka sugar, dairy, and gluten. You need to eat fermented foods daily and take a really good quality probiotic.

5. Early warning sign: Premature aging - are you in your 30s and experiencing premature signs of biological aging like vaginal dryness, sagging skin, brittle nails, hair loss? These can be indicators that you will struggle to get pregnant. When we age too quickly, it's because we are not supporting our body’s production of healthy hormone levels. This can set us up for infertility at an earlier point than we expect. It can also be an indicator that egg quality may be suffering. You can enter perimenopause and have the process speed up in your mid-thirties, leaving you less time in which to choose to conceive. This is especially important when many of us are delaying getting pregnant until our mid to late 30s.

FLO-fix: Get your hormones tested so you can see the data on what you might be dealing with. Start taking my 5 favorite anti-aging supplements. Then feed your body the nutrients it needs to continue making a good supply of hormones well into your late 30s, delaying these symptoms of premature aging.

The best natural remedy for anxiety

I used to deal with both depression and anxiety as a symptom of hormonal imbalance rooted in my PCOS. Cycle Syncing my diet and my lifestyle and getting in touch with the rhythms of my hormones was groundbreaking when it came to my emotional health and well-being. Not only did paying attention to my hormonal cycle help me to understand why I was experiencing anxiety, it also helped me to learn how to prevent my anxiety from continuing.

Choosing natural remedies like anxiety-fighting foods and supplements was a big part of this process, but Cycle Syncing was the foundation. It’s a practice I come back to again and again to recalibrate my emotions, refine my self-care, and listen to the feedback my body gives me every day.

As I have said in a previous post on anxiety women are 60% more likely to experience anxiety than men. There are obviously many possible real-life reasons for this, however there’s also a biological core - our hormone cycles. This is why women can experience different kinds of anxiety at different times during their menstrual cycle, triggered and perpetuated by hormonal imbalances.

As we’ve already looked at supplements to prevent anxiety and lifestyle hacks for treating anxiety, in this new post I want to focus on how your anxiety fits into your cycle and what that can tell you about what’s going on with your body and what it needs to stop you feeling anxious.

The 2 kinds of hormonal anxiety

Once you begin to Cycle Sync your life you will be able to know where you are in your hormonal cycle week to week. The follicular phase (the week after your period ends will feel different to the ovulation phase or the luteal phase (your premenstrual week) or the menstruation phase. Higher awareness and attention will give you the opportunity to understand your anxiety issues more deeply and from there know how it needs to be treated and prevented. To discuss anxiety I separate the cycle into 2 parts - the first half and the second half. The first half would include the follicular and ovulatory phases; the second half would include the luteal and menstruation phases. It is uncommon to experience anxiety during ovulation (if and as long as you’re ovulating) or during menstruation (which usually provides relief from negative emotions). Hence, here I refer to the follicular and luteal phases only.

Follicular phase anxiety - if you experience anxiety during your follicular phase, that is the week after your period has come to an end, then you are experiencing low estrogen levels or estrogen deficiency.

Natural remedy - Pomegranate seed extract is a great source of phytoestrogens that will help increase your natural levels of estrogen. I do not like to recommend well-known phytoestrogens like soy, because of the potential harmful effects caused by their processing. However pomegranate seeds are a great alternative to boost overall estrogen levels.

Luteal phase anxiety - if you experience anxiety mostly during your luteal phase, this is the week before your period, then you have low levels of progesterone or a progesterone deficiency. Anxiety may be part of what you see as PMS or premenstrual symptoms, along with other issues like depression or acne.

Natural remedy - B6 will help to increase your progesterone levels. B6 is vital for your body to create the corpus luteum that makes and releases all of your progesterone. There are B6 supplements, and I encourage all women to take a B vitamin complex daily, however you can also increase the amount of B6-rich foods that you eat, like wild-caught tuna fish, bananas, grass-fed beef, chicken, spinach, sweet potato, garlic and salmon.Throughout your cycle focus on increasing good fats and proteins in your diet - these will help your body to stabilize your hormones and keep your brain chemistry balanced. Gut health can be a root cause of many mental health problems, so it’s important to support the microbiota that manufacture happy hormones like serotonin and dopamine by eating fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and pickles every day. Without a foundation of Cycle Syncing your eating, sourcing from a protocol of proteins and fats and hormone-balancing ingredients, your anxiety will struggle to respond to any one kind of natural remedy. But adding these super-effective natural remedies into your routine, layered on top of a holistic and hormonally-supportive diet, will do wonders for your well-being.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


5 ways to eat more coconut oil and lose weight

Coconut oil is the ultimate “good fat” as it contains medium chain triglycerides or fatty acids that are hormonal health warriors. Over the years, we’ve all been educated to fear oils and see them as fattening and unhealthy. Well, some are - like vegetable oils, canola, safflower - but coconut oil is actually completely unique and has many health benefits, including supporting weight loss. It’s very likely that you’ve heard some about the benefits of coconut oil - it’s been a foodie darling for a while now - and it’s got staying power due on the bounty of research and evidence to back up such enthusiastic claims.

The health benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil is:

  • Hormone balancing - the fatty acids in coconut oil actually help the hormones get to where they want and need to go in the body, and so support the creation, processing and elimination of estrogen and progesterone, leading to hormonal balance.
  • Weight loss-promoting - studies show that coconut oil increases the metabolism and prevents hunger, allowing for successful weight loss.
  • Thyroid-supportive - coconut oil has the ability to transform cholesterol into pregnenolone, which is one of the essential building blocks for thyroid hormone-making.
  • Gut-healing - coconut oil repairs gut tissue and promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Like breast milk, coconut oil is powerfully antimicrobial and antibacterial. The high levels of lauric acid in coconut oil protects against infection from viruses, bacteria, yeast, parasites and fungi. Lauric acid therefore inactivates the harmful microbes in your gut that can lead to hormonal imbalance.

However you may still be confused about exactly how to get coconut oil into your daily diet. You don’t need a lot - between 2 and 4 tablespoons a day should do it. But I know it can be hard to understand how something you associate with a tropical taste can be used regularly. I personally ensure I get a little coconut oil every day, and once you get into the habit you will find it easy.

5 ways to eat more coconut oil every day

  1. I am a big tea drinker and one of my favorite ways to get more coconut oil every day is to stir a spoonful into a hot drink. This works great with herbal teas, but also turmeric lattes - making them taste almost creamy and adding to the comforting factor. If you get to the end of the day and realize you forgot your dose of coconut oil - make up a golden turmeric latte.
  2. If you have a protein smoothie a few days a week (try my recipe) you can pour in a little coconut oil to give you an extra-added energy boost. It also works really well with smoothies that are kale or date-based.
  3. For breakfast I love to use coconut oil to cook  my eggs and a side of greens (collard, kale, chard). It removes the slight bitter taste that can come with greens, I find, and it’s really good for all high heat cooking - including stir fries and roasting veggies.
  4. When you’re tackling a baking recipe, replace butter with coconut oil every time. It works just as well and it means you can get your daily dose in a slice of something yummy. I especially like to do this with my chocolate sweet potato brownie recipe and my fruit cobbler recipe.
  5. There’s absolutely no reason you can’t just dip a spoon in your jar and enjoy, like you might with an almond or sunflower butter, or even on a quick piece of GF toast. If you’re feeling low on energy and need a boost, or you’re getting cravings for unhealthy foods, a spoonful of coconut oil will put you back on track. If you’re low on time and you like things super-simple, go for it.

The best coconut oil to use

Coconut oil can be expensive, especially if you want it to be organic, ethically-sourced and of the virgin variety (this is important for the quality and taste, but it also means it will definitely have all the health benefits promised). Thrive Market is an online grocery shopping site that has all my favorite natural, healthy products at super reasonable prices (think CostCo, without any of the junk). I’ve teamed up with Thrive to get new members to the market a FREE jar of their own-brand coconut oil goodness. It’s the one I use, and it is great. I have 3 jars on the go in my home right now. Click here to grab your’s.Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

Natural remedies for breast tenderness

Do you experience sore, tender, painful breasts during your pre-menstrual phase? This is one of the most common PMS symptoms and it can be very uncomfortable. In fact, the creator of the period panties Thinx, Miki Agrawal, recently shared that she too experiences this PMS issue. If the discomfort and pain you experience is cyclical and has become an indicator that your period is coming any day soon, then it is caused by your hormonal shifts (it’s also called cyclical mastalgia). Breast pain and tenderness is usually rooted in excess estrogen or estrogen dominance. A surge of estrogen at a higher level than is healthy produces the swelling and soreness. Inflammation in the body caused by inflammatory foods (like dairy) has a negative impact on your estrogen receptors, making them more sensitive to excess estrogen and increasing the likelihood you’ll experience breast tenderness. The glands in your breast swell before your period (this is why you may have noticed your breasts look bigger when you’re expecting your period) and they trap fluid in the breasts. Breast soreness is basically like menstrual cramps, but in your breasts, instead of your uterus! Breast pain is “normal” in that many women do experience this, however having breast soreness every cycle suggests your body is estrogen dominant. The BioCycle study concluded that women who experience premenstrual symptoms like breast tenderness (and have estrogen excess) are at a higher risk of serious health issues in later life, like heart disease and cancer.The very good news is that these symptoms have natural remedies and treatments that really work, founded in your diet and specific supplements. I have helped many women overcome breast tenderness within just a couple of cycles, along with all other PMS symptoms.

The best natural remedies for breast tenderness

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


The best juice recipe to prevent PMS symptoms, from bloating to mood swings

PMS is not normal. I mean - statistically speaking, a lot of women do suffer with PMS - but you as a FLO insider, don’t have to! PMS is not necessary or unavoidable or a given when you’re female. You don’t have to suffer with PMS symptoms - the bloating, acne, mood swings, fatigue, anxiety, cravings. I used to and now I don’t, and it was as simple as changing my diet habits. I figured out what foods and recipes would prevent PMS.

Once I recognized I had PMS, that I experienced these symptoms during my pre-menstrual or luteal phase, and once I recognized that the root cause was a hormonal imbalance, I could make active, educated decisions that eventually lead me to a PMS-free life. Yes, a PMS-free life, it’s possible, for every single woman. All it takes is selecting the foods and recipes that prevent PMS. I’m not special or particularly blessed to not experience PMS - I just eat the right foods at the right time to prevent the hormonal imbalance that causes all PMS symptoms. You can do it too!

A juice recipe to prevent PMS

Because I know we’re all so busy and we’re all time-strapped, ambitious, hustling women and mothers with a lot on our hands, I’ve created the perfect juice recipe that tackles all of your PMS symptoms. This juice gives your body what it needs to prevent hormonal imbalance, provides a nutrient-dense variety of PMS-fighting foods in concentrated form, and is so, so, so easy to make up every day during your pre-menstrual phase to make sure you feel great the whole time. Juicing is such an easy, effective way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs during this phase of your cycle. It doesn’t add to your schedule, it doesn’t take much effort, it doesn’t even take much planning ahead. Just grab the ingredients on your grocery shop and whizz one up every morning.

This delicious concoction will:

  • Reduce water retention
  • Help your liver break down excess estrogen
  • Increase mood-stabilizing hormones

PMS is caused by higher levels of estrogen that go unopposed by enough progesterone – the kale, cilantro will help with this and the beet will provide healthy carbohydrates to prevent moodiness and fatigue. Drink it every day the week before your period.  Something to look forward to in what used to be a dreaded week!

For fun - something we all need more of when we’re pre-menstrual - I like to serve this up for myself and my girlfriends in a martini glass! I call it the Anti Bloat-ini. Make it feel like a treat, because it is - it’s bliss not to experience PMS!

If you’re looking for other PMS-fighting recipes check out my recommended foods;  read up on my PMS-suffering clients’ success with eating the FLO Living way; and take a look at my suggested swaps for common PMS cravings.

My fresh juice recipe to prevent PMS - the Anti-Bloatini

1 beet

1 carrot

1 green apple

4 celery stalks

½ cucumber

2 stalks kale

½ bunch cilantro

Juice of 1 lemon

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


5 ways to boost your energy today

One of the things I hear most from the women who come to work with me through FLO Living is that they are tired. Tired, worn out, fatigued, with low energy levels - finding it hard to sleep, to work out, to do it all, while still feeling happy, enthusiastic and at their best. So many women are looking to boost their energy levels. Low energy often comes down to poor nutrition, not eating enough or enough of the right foods, and poor quality sleep - thankfully, the FLO Living protocol addresses all of these issues and I’ve seen many women transformed into go-getter, turbo-charged, super women within weeks. However, there are some extra additional life hacks you can layer on top to really access all your energy reserves. Now, you know that I think coffee is a bad idea for all women, and that I don’t recommend sugar or most sweeteners, so both of those popular remedies for low energy are off the table. Not only is caffeine and sugar toxic for your hormones, it’s only going to make your more tired in the long run, by overloading your adrenals and burning you out. In fact, if you find yourself chronically fatigued, even after trying my suggestions and getting a decent night’s sleep, you may be suffering with Adrenal Fatigue.I believe in deep, extreme self-care and excellent sleep. But as a relatively new mom, I can totally sympathize with those of you who find this difficult! As someone who has in the past couple of years frequently felt a little sleep-deprived, I have become the master of boosting my own energy levels so I can keep going throughout the day - manage my business, take care of my daughter, support my husband, and take time to myself.

My 5 favorite ways to boost your energy

  1. Fall asleep faster and wake up less groggy: Mix organic, concentrated tart cherry juice and Gaia golden milk powder for a warm drink before bed. Tart cherry juice has been shown to help you fall asleep faster and the turmeric helps your body with all the detoxing and regenerating it does overnight in the early hours of the morning. You will wake up feeling more rested and more refreshed. A good night’s sleep is foundational if you’re looking to boost your energy.
  2. Daily cardio to flush cortisol: Cardiovascular exercise every day will help you to have more energy. It seems counterintuitive, but it actually really works. There’s plenty of research to show regular exercise reduces fatigue. You don’t need a lot of time for this - I recommend taking the opportunity once every hour or so to simply run in place for 60 seconds, followed by 60 seconds of jumping jacks, 60 seconds of windmills, and 60 seconds burpees - repeat the same circuit twice. Even a small amount of high intensity exercise will help increase your energy levels and overall fitness as well as give you an instant stress reducing, cortisol flush.
  3. Eat every 2 hours: If you are prone to low energy slumps, one key is to not let your blood sugar levels drop below stasis. You can do this by snacking on energy boosting foods, and making sure that you eat every two hours. In one day this can look like - a small breakfast when you wake up, followed by a protein smoothie, then lunch, then a high protein snack, and then dinner.
  4. Take a B-100 Complex: A deficiency in B vitamins is a common cause of low energy and fatigue. B vitamins are crucial for so many metabolic functions that when you’re deficient you really feel it. As well as taking a good B vitamin complex daily, you may also need extra B12. Sardines, grass-fed beef, eggs, and salmon all have high levels of B12.
  5. Swap coffee for an energy boosting smoothie: I know that going without coffee when you’ve been dependent on it for so long can be a struggle. But the constant exposure to caffeine actually depletes your adrenals over time making your fatigue much worse. I created a “No-Coffee Coffee Energy Elixir” with former coffee-addicts in mind! This smoothie will give you sustained, slow-releasing energy all morning. Whiz up a banana, raw cacao, blackberries, raw oats soaked overnight, and cashew milk. You can add in a small spoonful of maca for an additional boost.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, do you feel tired all the time? Second, do you have trouble sleeping? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good period karma and share this article on social ;)

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign - your period. The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future. Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Balance Your Hormones

Apple cider vinegar has some very specific, very important benefits for your hormones. I like to take a small dose of apple cider vinegar regularly, often as a shot, particularly before carb-heavy meals or when I'm in my luteal phase.

  • Apple cider vinegar helps your body to convert the proteins found in food into usable amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks for many different bodily processes, including the creation of your hormones. So, in drinking a shot of apple cider vinegar you’re actually giving your body what it needs to make hormones and addressing any imbalances between estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.
  • Apple cider vinegar balances your blood sugar, preventing blood sugar soars and crashes and supporting healthy, consistent ovulation. It improves overall insulin sensitivity, especially if you’re eating a high-carb meal that day. This is especially important for women with insulin-resistant PCOS.
  • Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which helps your body to draw nutrients out of the foods you eat. That same acid can help block the absorption of starchy, processed carbs, too.
  • Apple cider vinegar balances acid/alkaline levels in the body, allowing good bacteria to flourish in your microbiome. Your microbiome houses the estrobolome, where excess estrogen is processed and eliminated from your body, preventing estrogen dominance.

How I also use Apple Cider Vinegar

  • In cooking - I rarely use balsamic vinegars when making salads - instead I use apple cider vinegar with lemon juice to make dressings. I also drizzle it over sardines and sometimes even add it to a smoothie.
  • In my beauty routine - I even use apple cider vinegar as a rinse for my hair to combat dry scalp and dandruff, usually after a coconut oil mask! I do the same after I use a face mask, applying apple cider vinegar as an astringent to tighten my pores.
  • When cleaning my house - I use apple cider vinegar as a household cleaning agent to get my kitchen and bathroom sparkling.

The best kind of apple cider vinegar

I use Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar - it’s raw and organic, the highest-quality apple cider vinegar. And because it’s never heated or filtered, it retains all its goodness so it can successfully bring you all the benefits I mentioned above.

It's important to make sure that the Apple Cider Vinegar has “the mother” - that's the live fermentation sediment that contains all the good stuff that creates the health benefits. Bragg is always made from fresh, organic apples. It’s a versatile vinegar with a crisp, tangy taste. The difference between any other vinegar and apple cider vinegar is the “mother.” This cloudy sediment (you can see it in the bottle) includes small amounts of proteins, enzymes, amino acids, and fiber, as well as plenty of good bacteria for extra probiotic power. That’s where the acetic acid comes from.

Because Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar is unfiltered and unpasteurized, it’s far more effective than other kinds of apple cider vinegar.

ACV is all the rage, but did you know it has important hormonal benefits? 🍎

How to Use B6 When You Have Progesterone Deficiency

Vitamin B6 is absolutely essential for the development of the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum is a vital yet temporary mass produced in the ovary after the egg has been released, and it is what makes the hormone progesterone. Therefore, B6 is necessary for balanced hormones and preventing progesterone deficiency. Progesterone deficiency can provoke symptoms during the luteal/premenstrual phase and cause miscarriages. If you have signs of progesterone deficiency, you can supplement with B6 and increase the amount of B6-rich foods in your diet. All B vitamins help your body to metabolize the nutrients in the food you eat, as well as break down fats and proteins. However, B6 is particular important for hormonal health.

Signs of B6 and progesterone deficiency

So, how do you know if you are progesterone deficient? Below are some of the obvious signs. If you have more than one of these symptoms, this could point to progesterone deficiency.

  • Brown spotting before or after your period
  • A short luteal phase - a normal luteal phase is between 12-15 days long; shorter than that and you may have progesterone deficiency - this could look like having too frequent periods
  • PMS symptoms like moodiness, tender breasts, bloating and acne
  • Infertility issues - achieving and maintaining a pregnancy - especially experiencing miscarriage
  • If you take your basal body temperature each day you’ll see a very low temp rise post-ovulation and then a very fast fall before your period
  • If you check your cervical fluid, you might see a lot of cervical fluid continuing through your luteal phase after ovulation

There are many reasons the modern woman might be low on B6 and therefore progesterone deficient. The opposite side of this hormonal imbalance is, of course, estrogen excess or estrogen dominance. It’s not always about not getting enough B6 in your daily diet, it can be about how prepared your body is to use B6 effectively. It is very easy to become deficient in B vitamins, and that deficiency has the most profound impact on reproductive health.

Causes of B6 and progesterone deficiency

Good sources of B6 from food

You can take a B vitamin complex as a supplement and take additional B6 on top, but the best way to get B6 is from foods rich in this vitamin.

  • Wild-caught tuna fish
  • Bananas
  • Grass-fed beef
  • Chicken
  • Spinach
  • Sweet potato
  • Garlic
  • Salmon

As you can see, many of the main sources of B6 are from animal proteins, which makes vegetarians particularly vulnerable to B6 and progesterone deficiency. As well as B6 supplements, if you are facing progesterone deficiency you can also consider using Vitex or progesterone cream to increase progesterone and decrease estrogen excess, and therefore rebalance your hormones.

PCOS and Metformin - is this treatment right for you?

Here at Flo Living headquarters I speak with many women suffering with PCOS who have either been offered Metformin and decided against it or have tried Metformin and it’s not worked for them. If you have a diagnosis of PCOS it’s very likely that at some point your doctor has suggested Metformin. I personally was what would be considered the “perfect” candidate for this treatment when I was in my 20s and suffering with PCOS - overweight, struggling with acne and a complete lack of periods. However, I never tried it myself - instead I created a protocol for myself that became Flo Living. I’ve since helped many women manage their PCOS successfully with this protocol, just as I did my own diagnosis. That said, I speak with women so often about the Metformin option that I want to share my perspective with you. Although I do not dismiss the option completely, I do have some caveats and concerns.

What is Metformin?

Metformin is a first-line medication for those suffering with type 2 diabetes. It is also presented as a treatment for PCOS sufferers who are also overweight or obese. Not all PCOS sufferers have weight gain as a symptom, it depends on the kind of PCOS. Women with the kind of PCOS that causes weight gain are usually insulin resistant. Metformin reduces overall insulin levels. Insulin resistance is when the cells of your body become resistant to the hormone insulin, preventing glucose from entering your cells to be used for energy, and instead causing soaring levels of sugar blood stream bringing about diabetes, pre-diabetes or insulin-resistant PCOS. The connection between insulin and PCOS is blood sugar regulation. We hear about this most commonly with diabetes, but it’s also very important with PCOS. An unstable, constantly spiking and crashing, blood sugar prevents ovulation - this causes symptoms and conditions like infertility, depression, anxiety, acne, and weight gain. For PCOS suffers, Metformin is often prescribed alongside the birth control pill to manage symptoms. Both only mask symptoms as band-aid solutions and do not address the root cause.Should I take Metformin? Most of the research studies that have examined Metformin as a treatment for PCOS show differing and conflicting results. This is probably because Metformin is given to women with a PCOS diagnosis regardless of the kind of PCOS they have and regardless of whether they’ve been properly diagnosed (some women are diagnosed with PCOS when they actually have a different condition - you need both a blood test and ultrasound to confirm). Insulin resistant PCOS is very, very common, but it’s not what every woman has. Women with insulin resistant PCOS will also have been told they are pre-diabetic or borderline diabetic and be overweight or obese.

What can you expect if you take Metformin?

Metformin is not a miracle medication (unfortunately there are NO miracle drugs). If you take it you will not instantly see an end to your symptoms and drop all the weight you have gained. If you have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic and you want to move away from this diagnosis as quickly as possible, then you could decide to take Metformin. This might be the case if you are hoping to get pregnant. Entering pregnancy with insulin resistant PCOS and pre-diabetes will unfortunately set you up for increased risk for gestational diabetes, increased pregnancy weight gain and the worsened health risks that go along with that, having a bigger baby, and therefore higher likelihood of needing a C-section to deliver your baby. Guidelines if you choose to take MetforminI only recommend you take Metformin within these guidelines -

  • Take Metformin as a short term triage for a pre-diabetes diagnosis.
  • Start taking Metformin already knowing your exit plan from this treatment.
  • Simultaneously change your diet and lifestyle to improve insulin resistance (including strictly managing your blood sugar levels and sugar intake, and increasing exercise to lose weight). You may lose some weight if you do both, and you should lose your pre-diabetic status within this timeframe.
  • Start the Flo Living protocol so that when you go off Metformin you do not slide back to your previous lifestyle habits, regain the weight, and go back to the pre-diabetic state. The Flo Living protocol will alleviate symptoms of PCOS long term and support regular ovulation and regular periods. It will also prevent sugar cravings, manage your blood sugar levels, and help you to lose the weight.

It’s important to note that I have worked with many women for whom Metformin has not worked at all. They’ve taken it, experienced the side effects, and seen no improvement in their condition - the PCOS or the symptoms of PCOS. I would highly recommend regulating your blood sugar levels with the Flo Living protocol and prepping your body for a healthy, happy pregnancy ahead of time, instead of taking the Metformin route.The side effects of MetforminEven if Metformin does not work for you, it can still cause side effects. The most common side effects are stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Metformin is not recommended for women with liver disease which is a real problem as many PCOS sufferers have what is known as “fatty liver” - not liver disease, but has similar aspects. Research has also connected Metformin with brain and cognitive impairment.

Women’s success stories post-Metformin with the Flo Living protocol

As I said, I’ve helped many women who have tried Metformin and found it did not help them as they hoped to then come off, manage their PCOS, lose weight, reverse their pre-diabetes, and get pregnant. Both doctors immediately recommended prescription drugs as an antidote to resolve this issue and prescribed Metformin. Within two days of taking it, I developed severe symptoms and side effects that impacted my GI tract and well being. I knew I needed a change and was willing to seek alternate therapies. I attended a Flo Living seminar. After applying the principles that I learned, I have had my period ever since AND…drum hormonal level are completely balanced and my diagnosis of PCOS was reversed!” - Judith“I’ve had acid reflux, heal pain, irregular periods, and basically I’m a sugar addict. I have also had a hard time dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression. This program has taught me how to eat and helped me get off medication. I was on Metformin for PCOS, which I’ve stopped taking since starting my program, and I got my period this morning for the second month in a row! Sometimes I’d gone for years without getting my period, so this is incredible. I’ve lost almost 2 sizes – my old size 22s don’t fit at all. I’m now wearing a 20 and soon it will be an 18, since the 20s are a bit big. I signed up for the 3 month program and just decided to extend it for another 2 months since I really want to stay on track and learn more.” - MickiAlways remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, have you tried Metformin? Second, have you recently been diagnosed as pre-diabetic? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

The signs you have this hormonal imbalance and how to fix it

There is one common hormonal imbalance I see again and again in my Flo Living practice. Women come in with the symptoms, signs, and health conditions that are rooted in a specific instability in their hormonal ecosystem. These signs include common symptoms like PMS, hormonal acne, ovarian cysts, fibroids as well as conditions like PCOS and Endometriosis. That hormonal imbalance is estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance is the root cause of so many hormonal health issues. If you’re a longtime reader of this blog you will have heard me use the term “estrogen dominance” many times. I want to dig a little deeper in this post into what estrogen dominance means, how you can know if you have estrogen dominance, and what you can do to address the imbalance and get your hormones working in harmony.

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance happens in the body when there is estrogen overload or too much estrogen in relation to progesterone. This happens as the result of the foods we eat, the products we use, stress, poor sleep, and other environmental factors. It can be very hard to completely avoid estrogen excess, because we are surrounded by endocrine disruptors - in everything from our furniture to our nail polish.

When your body’s elimination system is working at a subpar level - the result of a lack of micronutrients, a disrupted microbiome, and inability to deal with an unnatural level of toxins - it cannot process and eliminate this excess estrogen efficiently. A body nourished with nutrient dense and hormonally-supportive foods has a better chance of coping with and managing the synthetic estrogens we’re surrounded by, but many of us are not eating in a way that supports and bolsters our elimination system. This leads to a toxic build up and hormonal soup swimming around your body - throwing your delicate hormonal balance out of whack and triggering symptoms.

The other side of this coin here is progesterone deficiency - if you have too much estrogen in your bloodstream, your progesterone levels will be low in comparison.

What are the signs of estrogen dominance?

Once you discover the symptoms of estrogen dominance it’s hard not to see the signs all around you - in your own cycle experience and the difficult, uncomfortable PMS and period symptoms of your friends. That’s because many, many women are experiencing estrogen dominance, because their bodies are not equipped to cope with the incoming estrogen overload. Here are some of the signs of estrogen dominance:

The long-term health impact of estrogen dominance

As well as the symptoms you will currently be experiencing if you have estrogen dominance, there are long-term health effects for those struggling with this hormonal imbalance. Over the years and decades, a persistent estrogen overload increases the risk of many diseases and health issues including:

Treatments for estrogen dominance

The reason you have not heard about this from your doctor and she has probably never diagnosed you with “estrogen dominance,” despite your symptoms, is that there’s really only one treatment provided by an OB/GYN for all of the health issues I mentioned above and that’s the birth control pill. When you visit an OB/GYN they tend to only be able to tell you what you already know - that you have certain symptoms and you don’t feel good as a result. They don’t often tell you exactly why you’re experiencing these symptoms. And the how to deal with the symptoms is always the birth control pill.

Of course, the path to you getting better begins with understanding why this is happening in your body. Even if you now know (or you’ve long known) that you have estrogen dominance, the most helpful part of naming the problem is knowing that you now need to take immediate action to address the root causes. Addressing the root causes is the key to moving past symptoms and feeling better. And the birth control pill does not address the root causes. It is only a band-aid for those symptoms - it may help to stop some symptoms or manage them some of the time, but when you eventually come off it will leave you even more sensitive to excess estrogen, setting you up to experience the same problems and potentially at worsened levels.

Estrogen dominance: Not just a women’s problem

These days we also see a lot of men dealing with the symptoms of estrogen dominance. They’re exposed to the same environmental factors as us and their bodies are often no better equipped to deal with the excess estrogen and eliminate it efficiently. For men, this brings about low testosterone levels (instead of low progesterone levels). You may have seen ads on TV for “Low-T” treatments for men. Men dealing with high estrogen and low testosterone will also gain weight, experience moodiness and irritability, get bloated...all of those issues we usually associated as only “female” in nature! Men also need to nourish their bodies so that their elimination system works at an optimum level and to increase their testosterone levels (especially as they age).

How to treat estrogen dominance naturally and effectively

The natural treatment for estrogen dominance is also the most effective and the longest lasting. This is because it gets down to the root cause, changes your hormonal ecosystem, and supports your elimination pathways. Following the Flo Living protocol sets your body up to combat all that incoming estrogen and helps it to deal with some of the unavoidable sources that inevitably come your way.

  • Eat more fiber - there are 3 foods that contain a good amount of fiber as well as the other vital vitamins and minerals – such as glutathione, B vitamins, and C vitamins – that you need to help your liver process the excess estrogen so that it can be transported to the large intestine and then eliminated quickly - broccoli, flax seeds and pears.
  • Support your microbiome - a set of good gut bacteria and certain bacterial genes, called the estrobolome, produce an essential enzyme that helps metabolize estrogen. Your microbiome is part of the elimination system that is vital in ushering hormones out of the body. Eat fermented foods daily like kimchi and sauerkraut and take a probiotic.
  • Love your liver - Eggs, Glutathione-heavy vegetables like carrots, spinach and asparagus, plus cilantro are all great liver detoxifiers and boost the whole elimination system’s function. Try my special cilantro-based juice once a week.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


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We can help you address your underlying issues and understand your hormones like never before

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has been a true game changer for me and my cycle. I now have an increased awareness of my body's needs throughout the month.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has completely transformed my relationship with my cycle. I am sleeping through the night, intuitively managing my stress, and eating with my cycle.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I use MyFLO every day to track my cycle and symptoms. I've managed to significantly reduce PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, and my cycle length has gone down from 40 days to 30 days.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost micronutrient levels

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • "My period was missing for 3 years after getting off birth control. MonthlyFLO helped me finally get my period back.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • I feel more empowered to understand my body and heal my hormones. I no longer accept the patriarchal dismissal and confusion about the female cycle”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I got my period back after 15 years! Thank all of you for your support. I'm just so grateful!”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “FLO Living has seriously changed my life. It gave me the courage and bravery to get off of birth control, and completely changed my outlook on health. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Reduce inflammatory foods

  • Improve elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination with dietary changes

  • Replenish micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce Androgens

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Improve bowel movements

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Address micronutrient deficiencies

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Support immune function of uterus

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Implement Cycle Syncing ®

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Boost micronutrient levels

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Detox estrogen

  • Boost progesterone production

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

  • Boost energy

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Restore Micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Increase micronutrient levels